It’s no ones business. It belongs only to the best, to those who can control it, nurture it, sustain it. Right now it belongs to you because you are producing. But in the future it belongs only to those who have the brains, skills and nerve to take it away from you.
Will you settle for a nice unsullied conscious where you go to work for “nice” people who won’t challenge you, won’t goad you and drive you to higher levels than you ever dreamed of?
Will you be satisfied with an organization where there’s nothing to fight for and there is no competition? The struggle maybe difficult, whatever the deal, you will learn more, do more and be more than anywhere else on earth when you allow yourself to be challenged, to become excellent in who you are and what you do.
To those who are willing to persevere even when defeat seems eminent, stand tall. It’s only then that you will decide whatever fate delivers that you are obligated, willing and determined to fight for what is rightfully yours because you earned it.
“Patterns”, Rod Sterling